Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This has to be the biggest intrusion i have ever read or heard about.   "You got to be kidding me!" is the first thing that went through my mind.  These are the new 21st century Gangs....

When i first heard the news i felt like i have been taken advantage of and that feeling of not being safe.  I should have had this feeling a long time ago, but as the saying goes "you don't know what you have until it's gone".  Well my false sense of security is gone!

This incident didn't get as much attention as i thought it would.  I guess people are still stuck in the re-active mind frame and the possibility of "this happening to me" is not a reality YET!

Nobody is safe, everything can be hacked and it's just a matter of time when you are gong to have to deal with reality....

Did you know there is eBay like websites just for stolen information?  Health records, SSN, credit cards, malware, viruses, you name it you can buy it.  It makes me sick just thinking about it....

Sorry for the doom and gloom but when will People, Businesses and Government wake up and do the necessary things to help prevent breaches from happening??